On my blog you can find featured galleries, tips and tricks for your upcoming session as well as  mini session information and the occasional personal update. Feel free to comment on  the post with any questions or contact me directly at info@ashleyflugphotography.com. 




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Why a Photo Session is the Ultimate Gift

photo session gifts

Photos: we have them in our homes, on our phones, in albums, on our computers, they’re everywhere.

Photos remind us of life’s most precious people and memories As we move through life, we get to add new moments to our collections.

Sometimes though, it makes a world of difference to have a professional photographer present for the really big moments in life, including weddings, christenings, milestone birthdays and engagements. Giving the gift of photography is one that won’t soon be forgotten.

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a parent, newly engaged couple or friend in your life, here are some reaons why you should gift them a professional photo session instead of the usual gift.

Photography is a gift that lasts a lifetime

How many times have you received a gift that you pretended to like, only to end up storing it in the back of a cupboard a month later? Gadgets, clothing, and accessories all go out of style or become null and void, but professional photos last a lifetime and are something that the recipient can treasure for years to come.

Photography is personal

Gifting someone with a professional photo session is personal and unique. Since it’s far more thoughtful than guessing what someone would like to receive, it’s a gift that truly comes from a place of love.

Photography is an experience

Experiencing something instead of adding something to a growing pile of possessions is far more worthwhile, exciting and meaningful. A photo session gives your loved one a brand new experience that will leave them with lasting memories that they can proudly display around their home or office.

When looking for the right photo session for your loved one, keep an eye out for any specials photographers in your area might be offering. Who knows, you may even find yourself booking a photo session for yourself at the same time.

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September 28, 2019

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Professional Photo Tips for Every Season

Every season has its own unique beauty, from the golden leaves of autumn and the blossoms in spring to the white landscapes in winter and the green grass and blues skies in summer. Every season offers so many wonderful photo opportunities so it helps to know how to take the best photos at any time of the year.

Use the best possible lighting for your photos

Taking advantage of seasonal beauty means most of your photos will be shot outside, which means you should plan your shoots around the sun if you really want the best results.

By keeping track of the sun’s schedule for the day, you can ensure that you’ll have the best natural lighting. Natural lighting will add more depth to your photos and if you take advantage of the Golden Hour you’ll automatically highlight your subject’s best features.

Spend time thinking about your outfits

To make it easier to pick outfits for your shoot, choose a color scheme instead of trying to get everyone to wear matching outfits. A color scheme makes it much easier for everyone to look coordinated without looking exactly the same. Stay away from the latest trends. Opting to wear trendy outfits could backfire when those clothing items are no longer fashionable a few years from now so instead; go with colors and items that are timeless.

It’s also best to stay away from outfits that are really busy and will distract from the people in the photos.

Use a checklist

In order to eliminate any stress on the day of the shoot, put a helpful checklist together that includes your outfits, props and the time and location of your shoot. If you’re working with a photographer, provide them with your ideas for poses, locations and outfit changes ahead of time so that everyone is on the same page about what needs to happen on the day.

A checklist ensures that everything runs on time and that everyone is relaxed and enjoys the experience. Check out more about checklist’s here.

Simple is better

When it comes to creating great photos, the key is not to overdo it. This goes for everything from your outfit and your props to your background and your smiles. Being with a simple portrait to capture the beauty of the season, the more natural the better. You may find that the more basic shots make for the best prints because sometimes a busy photo takes away from the main focus of the photo.

Take time to choose the right background

Make a decision on the kind of background you’d like to have ahead of your shoot. You can choose to use a natural background that offers natural light or you can choose to incorporate props. Remember to check that your background won’t clash with your outfit. Your background plays an important part in the overall shot but it’s important that it doesn’t detract from the focus of the photo.

Working with the seasons will always leave you with beautiful photos, timeless photos that you you’ll be proud to display in your home. Getting the basics right is all you need to create the best possible photos at any time of the year.


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September 21, 2019

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Tips for Preparing for your Newborn Session: Part 2

Newborn photo sessions in Buckeye, Arizona

How to prepare the baby to ensure they are happy and cooperative during the session

In my last post, I discussed what to bring and wear to your session. Now it’s time to talk about how to ensure your baby is happy and cooperative once you are at your session. Check out part 1 here.

  1. Make sure your child is well fed before the session. Try to schedule the photos around feeding time. If your baby has a full belly, that usually equals a happy baby.
  2. In addition to that, you should also be sure your baby has a fresh, clean diaper. No child is cooperative sitting in a dirty diaper. This may seem like an obvious tip, but in the rush of everything, sometimes we forget the basics.
  3. I mentioned this before, but it is important, so I’m saying it again: bring a pacifier to your session. Even if you are not allowing your child to regularly use one, it will be good for a short time just to help him or her calm down during this time of potential stress. If your baby starts to fuss and we cannot stop the crying by other means, this will typically help ease the baby’s nerves.
  4. Keep your baby warm. Newborns are used to being in a small, warm place. That’s where they’ve been the past nine months,and they are uncomfortable when they are cold. We like to keep our studio warm on session days for this reason. If we are doing a session at your house, we suggest bumping the heat up as well. We will also have plenty of blankets handy for in between photos.
  5. I suggest playing soft music or white noise to create a soothing environment for your newborn.
  6. This is probably the most important thing to note: be OK being a part of the photos. If your child is not cooperating with the session, the best way to soothe newborns is to hold them and rock them to let them know everything is OK. Sometimes babies just need to be held. A lot of new moms are uncomfortable in front of the camera during the first weeks after birth, and I completely understand. If you do not want to be in photos, I can work around this, but I may need to borrow your arms. You just have to make sure not to tense up when you get in front of the camera. Babies sense these things and will, in turn, think they need to tense up as well because something must be wrong. If you’re absolutely against being in photos at all, I could cover you with a backdrop and rest the baby on you. This will help your baby feel secure while keeping you off camera.

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September 8, 2019

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Creative Ways to Capture the First Day of School Photos

first day of school photos

The first day of school is such a milestone for any parent and a day that should be captured, not only for yourself and the grandparents but for your kids too.

Below are some really cute ideas that you can use to make your child’s first day of school photos memorable and unique.

  1. Get a shot of the outfit. 

    You’ve spent the time choosing the perfect outfit for this day so why not hang it up somewhere and get a shot of it before they get dressed? Lay the outfit out on your child’s bed and take a shot from above or place it on a cute hanger and hang it against the door.

  2. Use a blackboard.

    Incorporate a cute blackboard with a frame into the photos. Fill the blackboard with facts such as the date, their age or even what they want to be when they grow up. Easels also work really well for this and will give you more space to be creative. Get your child to draw themselves on their first day of school and include this in your photo.

  3. Show their progress.

    While taking a picture on the first day of school is a must, make a point of taking a photo on the last day of the school year too. You’ll be amazed at how much your child has changed when you compare the two photos. Another cute idea is to get your kid to pose with their first day of school photo from the previous year to show their progress.

By having fun and making this moment a big deal for your children, you will instill confidence in them and prepare them for the day and year ahead.

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July 31, 2019

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How to Create a Day of Photo Shoot Checklist

Photo shoot checklist

You might be under the impression that you can just wake up the morning of your photo shoot and go but there are a few things that you should properly prepare for. While you want to look your best there are minor details that can be easy to forget about. As you prepare for your upcoming photo shoot be sure to review this quick checklist.


Photo Shoot Check List:



The day before the shoot you want to reconfirm with your photographer the time and location of the shoot. This will also allow you a chance to go over any details as far as props, wardrobe or weather concerns (if your shoot is outdoors) that you may have.


Shot list.

No matter what type of session you are having you want to make sure the photographer knows what – must have shots – you expect. Going over what shots you want from the shoot will help things go smoothly and ensure you get everything you want out of the session. Consider who will be at the shoot or in the images. Let the photographer know who you want to be paired up with images and how many images of each person you would like.



There are many ways you can dress for your shoot and depending on where you are having the shoot, you may be able to bring along outfits to change into. If you are trying to coordinate your outfit with your family or others who will be in the images try to avoid matching too much. Instead, choose a color scheme to stick with and have each person choose their own outfits that include the colors.


Don’t forget to bring some accessories. If doing a full outfit change isn’t possible because of the location of the shoot or the timeline, then consider some easy to take on and off accessions. Hats, scarves, jackets, ties, vests, and belts are all easy items that you can take on or off during the shoot that can help add more variety to the shoot.


Personal care.

You want to look your best for the shoot so you want to take the time to pamper yourself a little. Cut, color, and style your hair. Give yourself a facial and don’t forget to take care of your nails as well. When doing your make up the day of the session, keep it at a minimum or go for a more natural look. You can always add more color and makeup as the shoot goes along so you can bring some along with you.



Props can help make a shoot more personal and can make it easier to get everyone else into the shoot. Bring along a few items that you can hold, the kids can play with, or things that you can interact with that are not too bulky or hard to carry with you.


Bonus Tip:

If you are planning a family shoot with younger kids you want to bring along a snack. Even if they have eaten prior to the shoot have something easy for them to snack on later on in the shoot can be a huge saver.

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July 20, 2019

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2019 Mini Session Schedule

I love mini-sessions because it means I get to interact with more clients in one day than I usually do, and because it saves you all money!

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July 18, 2019

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Tips for Stress Free Photos of Your Kids

When it comes to family portraits most parents’ number one concern is how to get their little ones to pose and cooperate during the shoot. There are always challenges to face when trying to get everyone in the family to look their best and look at the camera altogether but it is not something you need to stress about. These simple tips will help you prepare your young ones for their big day in front of the camera whether it’s for family portraits or birthday pictures.


5 Tips to Prep Your Kids for Your Family Shoot


  1. Scheduling

You’ll want to schedule your shoot around you kids schedule. Work around naps or feeding times so they aren’t fussy or cranky during the shoot.


  1. Make it a big deal.

You want your children to be excited about the shoot so let them know about it well in advance. Make it into a special occasion so they can get more excited and interested in taking part in it. Even offer a special treat for after the shoot.


  1. Bribes

While you may not like the idea of bribing it can be a good idea to have a small piece of candy to give your kids for right after the shoot is done. A small treat can go a long way in helping avoid the additional stress of an uncooperative toddler.


  1. Let The Photographer Give Directions

It’s natural for parents to want to give their children directions during a shoot or make adjustments to their clothing but this often leads to parents not looking at the camera. Let your photographer take the reins and you just focus on looking good and being camera ready yourself. Kids also tend to listen better to another adult so it can make everything a lot easier for everyone.


  1. Enjoy the Experience

Of course, you want each shot to be amazing but your focus should be on enjoying the moment with your family and children. Sometimes the most picture perfect moments are the ones that don’t seem so perfect in the moment. Don’t set expectations of how you want the perfect family portrait. Instead focus on having the perfect family moments. The more fun you are having the more fun your kids will have too.

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July 7, 2019

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Dressing for fall family sessions

One of the most common questions people have when preparing for a photo shoot is what to wear. You want everyone in the photos to look their best but you also want all the details in the photos to tie together so it looks cohesive but not overly matching. These simple tips will give you a better idea on how you can style your own outfits, accessories, and props so that everything meshes together but still pays tribute to who you are as a family.

Fall is usually all about bundling up in lots of layers, enjoying the shift from hot to cool, and soaking up the sun and autumn foliage. But, we live in Arizona and it is still warm. Instead of roasting your butt off during your session (unless you want to) with sweaters and scarves, think maxi dresses for her and short sleeve button ups for him.

Here are a few tips for dressing for fall family sessions:


^^^^ P.S. This is my favorite fall look. It goes perfectly with my style since there is still pops of light colors and not all dark and bold colors. ^^^^

Most families tend to match their outfits by pattern or color but for the best results, you’ll want to skip putting everyone in matching clothes and colors and instead coordinate their outfits to play off of one another. Let one of the family members secretly be the star of the photo shoot. Dress them in a patterned outfit that consists of at least three colors. Keep the rest of the family outfits simple with pops of color that coordinate with the star of the show outfit. And don’t forget to take the shoes into consideration as well.

Since we do not have many fall leafs here in the desert, choose colors that will bring those fall leave colors to us. Stick with a color palette that will blend seamlessly into autumn’s spectrum: creamy nude, light grey, burgundy, mustard, brown, etc.


Add accessories! Think jewelry, hats or even flowers to hold or put in the hair. Consider accessorizing your kids in layers, textures and offer something for everyone to interact with. You don’t want the accessories to overwhelm the image but they can be a great way to offer a lot of variety throughout your shoot. Think of things that can be easily taken off or put back on.


Wear shoes that fit the season. Loafers and flats work perfectly. But also think riding boots or comfy, fur-lined boots.


If you have any questions or need any help with dressing for fall photos feel free to reach out and I will help you! info@ashleyflugphotography.com

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July 2, 2019

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How to prepare for a successful newborn session: Part 1

I know that you have been busy with your new bundle of joy but have you thought about newborn photo session prep yet?

You’re in a new and exciting time in your life. You’ve now got this adorable, precious little soul and are ready to document his or her first memories in photographs. I want to make this a joyous experience for you and your family. I know how nerve-racking picture day can be, especially when you’re running on, little- to -no, sleep. To help you out with this process, I’ve compiled a list of preparation tips to ease some of your stress. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me at info@ashleyflugphotography.com and I can get you the answers you’re looking for.


What to Bring

If we are doing a session in your home, you don’t have to bring anything, however, I suggest that you take a look at this list and have these items readily available in case we need them during your session. If you are doing a studio session, please follow this checklist to avoid under or over packing your diaper bag.

I keep my sessions pretty basic and focused in on your new little bundle of joy, and therefore, take a minimalistic approach in my prop usage. Especially if I am traveling to you, I do not bring a lot of props with me. I will take care of the backdrops, wrap and headbands, etc., but I tend to pack light prop-wise. If there is something you’d like to include in your photos – a special outfit or blanket, a favorite stuffed animal or toy, heirlooms, etc. –, I will be more than happy to incorporate it in your session. The more personal items we use in your session, the more unique these photos will be to your child and your family’s personality.

To ensure that your baby is happy and calm during the session, I suggest bringing a blanket that we can swaddle him or her in, as well as a pacifier. Also be sure to have fresh bottle — if your child is currently using a bottle — and diapers ready to go.


What to Wear

Newborns are not very patient when it comes to outfit changes. I suggest having your child in an outfit you’d like for him or her to wear in photos before you get to the session. On the way to the session, covering it the outfit with a bib or burp rag in case of little incidents. After we take a few photos in this outfit, I prefer to take the rest of the photos in wraps –, or completely in the nude. In my opinion, babies photograph best this way and they will also cooperate longer if we are not constantly changing their outfits. If you are not comfortable with this, I can stick with one to two outfits for the session.

If you are going to be in photos with your child, I suggest bringing a backup shirt, just in case. We also suggest that you wear a white or light shirts in case we need to photograph parts of you with your child on the backdrop (for example, just your hands holding the baby) so you don’t stand out. For mommies, we suggest keeping jewelry to a minimum, as babies like to grab ahold of these items.

If you have any wardrobe questions, please contact me. I’d be more than happy to help. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your session!


Read the Post

June 21, 2019

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The best way to book a session or get in touch is by filling out the contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!

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CONtACT Ashley

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E: info@ashleyflugphotography.com
T: 651-315-6924