On my blog you can find featured galleries, tips and tricks for your upcoming session as well as  mini session information and the occasional personal update. Feel free to comment on  the post with any questions or contact me directly at info@ashleyflugphotography.com. 




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6 Things That Make a Photo Beautiful

Have you ever wondered what makes a photo stand out and stir certain emotions in you when you look at it? Of course, photos of your family and places you love will naturally give you the warm and fuzzies or leave you in awe but there are also very specific elements in great photos that help bring them to life and make you take a second look.

  1. When a photograph has beautiful lighting it gives the image a certain mood and highlights the important aspects of a photo. Light is an incredible tool so using natural light from an open window or door or even a soft artificial light can make all the difference.
  2. While focusing on a specific person in a photo is how we naturally take photos, that person is only a part of the greater whole. Your background and any other objects in a photo all make up the structure and scene that draw you into that moment.
  3. A good quality photo will usually allow you to pick up on certain textures such as a pair of woolly socks or the texture in a heavy wooden door.
  4. Sometimes the most beautiful photos are taken from a different perspective such as getting down to a toddler’s level at a birthday party or taking a shot of a tall building by looking all the way up from a street corner.
  5. Play with colors when you take photos, match them up or emphasize specific colors to draw the eye to a certain detail in a picture.
  6. The moment. Capturing a moment that will never happen again makes for incredible photos.

Photography isn’t only for the professionals. Everyone has the ability to take a great photo by focusing on a few simple elements, getting creative and being ready to capture something beautiful or everywhere you go.

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March 17, 2019

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Ways to Preserve Your Photos

ways to preserve your photos

In the attic, in the closet, in boxes on the bookcases we all have photos scattered around the house that we just don’t know what to do with. While most opt for the shoebox method of storing their loose printed images this isn’t always the best way to ensure they aren’t damaged or lost. For all those photos you keep finding around your home try one of these ways to preserve your printed memories.


4 Ways To Better Protect Your Loose Prints


  1. Photo Storage Boxes

One of the best and quickest ways to get loose piles of photos organized is with a photo storage box. They are easy to find as well and can be purchased at any local craft store. Just be sure the photo boxes are of archival quality.


  1. Albums or Scrapbooks

Putting your printed photos into an album can seem like a long process. You don’t have to get fancy or specific just slip your photos into an album in the best chronological order you can. If you want to get creative and add in some extra special memories create a scrapbook of your photos.


When choosing albums make sure they are made with acid and lignin free paper, they use non-PVC plastic, and that they do not have magnetic or sticky backed sheets. The best albums are ones that can accommodate various sizes of photos from wallet size to 8×10. Refrain from gluing or using an adhesive to keep your photos in place as you may change your mind.


  1. Wall Art and Frames

Don’t forget about the picture frames around your home. You can rotate the pictures in your frames or buy some new ones to hang on the walls as well. This is a great way to give your walls a quick and simple update while also enjoying the memories you’ve captured.


  1. Online or Digital Album

The best way to preserve your prints is to transfer them into a digital album or folder. This is the best way to protect your images from damage and ensure you always have a backup copy..


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March 12, 2019

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How to Be More Natural In Front of the Camera

“Just act natural.” It’s easier said than done when you are in front of a camera and trying to look your best while feeling a little awkward and maybe even a little insecure. Even the top models need some help to look and act more natural in front of the camera. There’s no need to be nervous going into your shoot, with a little bit of practice in front of a mirror and these tips you’ll be feeling confident and relaxed from the very first click!


  • Have Something to Hold

Hands can be the most difficult things to figure out what to do with. For some reason, it always feels awkward just having them at your side so bring something to hold onto. Flowers, a book, musical instrument anything that is significant to you can be the perfect addition to your shoot.


  • Natural Smile

You don’t want to get caught with the deer in headlights look and faking a smile is often not very flattering. One of the best ways to show your natural smile is to press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. The corners of your mouth will naturally draw up and it won’t look forced at all.


  • Wear Something Comfortable

If you aren’t comfortable in what you’re wearing this will show through in your images no matter how much you try to fake it. You want to wear something you feel comfortable in not only so you can move around easily but so that you will be more confident in front of the camera as well.


  • Posing

While your photographer will help direct you in how you should sit or stand it’s a good idea to know a few simple tricks when it comes to posing. First, just about everyone has an asymmetrical face and most often one of the eyes is slightly larger than the other. You want to turn the side of your face with the slightly larger eye towards the camera. This will help balance out the face. Second, stick your neck out slightly. This helps elongate the neck and will eliminate the dreaded “double chin” that many people have. Third, ladies, cross your feet at the ankles. This elongates the body and adds a little depth to your images.


  • Think Happy Thoughts

Before you go into your shoot you want to have an image, joke or happy story in the back of your mind. During the shoot, you’ll want to recall on these thoughts to help bring out a genuine smile. If you start to get nervous just think your happy thought and you will instantly begin to relax and feel more comfortable.

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March 7, 2019

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Portrait Photography Styles Explained

When it comes to hiring a photographer you don’t just want to go with anyone. Each photographer will specialize in a niche and favor a certain style when they shoot. If you want something more traditional you wouldn’t want a photographer that prefers to shoot documentary styled shoots. This tends to be an overlooked factor when it comes to hiring the right photographer and understanding the different styles will help you better when looking for your perfect photographer.

The Basic Styles of Portrait Photography

• Traditional

Traditional portraits are classic images where the main subjects are posed and fully aware of the camera. They can be formal for more professional images or informal for senior, kids, or head shot portraits.

• Candid

Candid portraits are taken in the moment and are very similar to journalistic shooting. Typically the subject is not aware that their images are being taken with little to no interference from the photographer. Candid portraits are often common during events or weddings. These images tend to capture the more natural emotions of the subject and surroundings.

• Lifestyle

Lifestyle is the most common type of portrait for editorials, fashion, family, engagement, and weddings. These portraits capture the sense of living style from the subjects. Lifestyle portraits can often be a combination of other styles like environmental and candid.

• Glamour

Glamour portraits are more stylized focusing on the physical appearance of the subject. These types of images usually have a team on hand and various lighting setups and equipment. Glamour shots tend to give off a more romantic appeal.

• Environmental

These types of portraits are the most common for business professionals. Environmental portrait photography captures the person in their natural environment. Whether that is in the kitchen of a restaurant, behind the desk at the office or in a large forest. These images are planned out and often staged to allow for the surroundings to enhance a characteristic of the main subject.

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March 3, 2019

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What to Bring Along to Your Child’s First Photo Session

If you’ve recently booked a photo session, there are a few things that you might want to consider bringing with you to the shoot.  Some parents might wonder why they should be the ones to bring stuff along. They’re the customer right?

The truth is, you’re hiring a photographer to do what they do best, take amazing photos, and there are some things that even the best photographer’s won’t have available to you.

Here are a few things that you should consider bringing along to your child’s photo shoot if you want the best possible photos:


Whether you’re bringing several children along to the photo shoot or you would like to fit in a few shots of you and your spouse alone, you want to keep your child occupied when they aren’t in front of the camera and toys are the best way to do this.

A good book.

Is there a specific book that your child simply loves? Bring it along to the session to either read to them while they’re being photographed or to read to a child that isn’t being photographed at that time. Your bedtime routine is so special but you never really get photos of it so this is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Their favorite stuffed animal.

Every child has that one stuffed animal that they take everywhere and even though it might be looking a little worse for wear, that stuffed animal plays a big role in your child’s life. One of the best parts about taking photos is that it captures a specific moment in time and that raggedy old bear is going to make for heartwarming photos years from now.

Additional outfits.

If you have a young child in the house, you’ll understand how quickly an outfit can get ruined. The last thing you want to worry about on the day of your photo shoot is whether your child is going to ruin their outfit before or during the shoot, which is why it’s always a great idea to bring an extra change of clothing just in case. It will really help with your nerves too.

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February 27, 2019

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How to Decide What to Wear to Your Photoshoot

what to wear for your photo session

Top tips for getting the most out of your professional photography session.

If you are prepping for your first photoshoot you probably have a couple questions about what to expect. A common concern for people having their photos taken for the first time is what to wear.

7 Top Tips for Deciding What to Wear for a Photoshoot

1. What is the purpose of the photoshoot?

This should be your first thought when deciding what to wear. Choose an appropriate outfit for the occasion and something that suits your personality.


2. Keep the location & season in mind.

Where is the photoshoot taking place? Choose an outfit that will keep you feeling comfortable and confident. For example, if you’re on a beach, those new high heels might not be the most logical choice and you might end up looking a bit out of place.


3. Mix and match.

Don’t be afraid to wear patterns or prints for your photoshoot but keep them to a minimum and try to pair them with solid colors. If you’re having a family photoshoot for example, have two family members in printed items and two in solid colors. Play with different colors to match the mood and setting of the shoot.


4. Make your photos timeless.

You might love that trendy top or pair of pants now but will your photos stand the test of time if you wear that item of clothing?


5. What to do about makeup.

This would depend on the type of photos you are taking. Fashion shoots will call for more dramatic makeup but for your everyday maternity, family or portrait shoots, keep your makeup natural and to a minimum.


6. Fit is more important than you think.

If you already have an outfit in mind for your shoot, try it on before the time to make sure that it fits correctly and compliments your body type.


7. Try not to go brand crazy.

Wearing too much clothing with prominent brand names just makes you look like a walking ad. Clothing with large graphics on it also doesn’t work well as it will end up being the focus of your photos.


Remember to have fun on your photoshoot, be yourself and don’t hesitate to ask for guidance.

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February 23, 2019

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Posing tips for him

wickenburg Arizona photographer

While having professional images taken can be uncomfortable for both men and women, men tend to find posing properly a bit more challenging. While women have a wide range of tools at their disposal to help them feel more confident and relaxed during a shoot, men don’t always have this same advantage. To help all the gentlemen out with pulling off a successful shoot consider these simple posing tips to guide you along.


3 Posing Tips for Him:


  1. What is the goal of your images?

The first thing you want to determine is the kind of look or attitude you want to portray through your images. While you most likely want to look masculine do you just want to come off as a tough guy? Depending on what you will use your images for you might want to go with a more friendly or relaxed looked. Knowing the goal of your images will make it easier for you and your photographer to come up with the right poses.


  1. Hands and arm positioning.

The most common pose men find themselves in is one that crosses the arms in front of them. This pose, however, can often give off an intimidating impression and doesn’t work with all images. An alternative to crossing your arms in front of you could be holding your hands together in a fist by your waist. For a more relaxed look try placing your hands or just the thumbs in your pocket. You can also have one hand in your pocket while the other holds your coat over your shoulder.


  1. Body Position.

Most men tend to lean to one side whether standing or sitting. Leaning against a wall or railing or slightly leaning to one side with your hand on a chair or desk can give off a more relaxed and welcoming persona. If you want to stick with a more masculine stance make sure you keep your weight equally distributed on both feet.

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February 19, 2019

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What to Wear to a Spring Family Session

Dressing for a Spring Family Session


The birds are chirping, the buds are blooming, and the cold is finally going away. That means it’s time for your spring family session. Here are a few wardrobe tips to ensure the whole gang looks smashing:


  • Play up the fact that it’s spring. Have a necklace with a butterfly pendant? Perfect! A dress with cactus or floral print? Yes, please.
  • Channel the colors of spring. Seriously – look out the window for inspiration for your family’s color palette. Greens, pinks, yellows, beige, khaki, and blues all work exceptionally well.
  • Layer up! Spring can be both warm and cold at once, so come prepared. We love spring scarves, light cardigans, vests, etc.


Did you know that outfits choices can create a whole different look for your photos? There are so many different ways that you can dress your family for an upcoming depending on the look you are going for. You can do a casual look, which is great, but did you know that by adding a blazer and some nice shoes for the men or going with a skirt and a statement jewelry piece for the women can take your photos to the whole next level?

I have included some additional clothing tips below that will help you find the right outfits for your upcoming session, and trust me when I say that outfits play a big part of how your final images look!

Clothing tips:

With my photography style, light or pastel colors photograph best verses darker colors. Whites, light pinks, light blues, light yellow etc. Please avoid neon colored clothing as it will cast weird colors onto your skin.

For the ladies: Dresses and skirts look most stunning because they really flatter every female body, especially on camera — which is probably why the red carpet is always full of so many dresses and not very many pantsuits! We recommend avoiding pants and shorts for your session, and saying yes to a dress or two instead.
Long, full-length, flowy dresses and skirts look amazing on camera because they bring extra movement to the photos. Especially when juxtaposed with nature, like the desert, forest, plains or beach. Consider softer fabrics like chiffon or tulle which allow for beautiful movement in the images.
When considering the length of your dresses or skirts, it’s also a good idea to factor in whether or not there will be little ones in your photos. If you have smaller children, we’ll likely have you sitting or crouching on the ground to interact up-close with them. Cute, shorter cocktail-length dresses photograph beautifully, but if you have little ones in your photos, a floor-length dress or skirt, or perhaps a cute midi-skirt, will make moving around with your kids much easier, and look perfect on camera, too.

For the men: Long, fitted pants and closed-toed shoes are the most sophisticated and masculine looks for men. They draw attention away from his legs and feet and place it where you want it: on his handsome face. So, for your session, it’s best to leave the shorts, sandals, tennis shoes and jeans at home, too, as well as any pants that are loose or baggy. Fitted dress pants or fitted colored pants work best on camera. Solid shades of gray or navy are a strong complement to most women’s outfits, whereas pinstripes or plaid patterns tend to distract the eye. We also recommend staying away from graphics and logos. Solid color button ups will be your best bet for the men.

Please let me know if you need any help planning your session outfits. Feel free to text me photos of your outfits and I can help point you in the right direction.

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February 13, 2019

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How to Prepare for Your Spring Session

7 Tips for Preparing for Your Spring Session


I’ve gone ahead and given you some tips to ensure your day is stress free and flawless for your spring session. Listen up!


  1. Wear layers.

Spring can be finicky in the sense that you can go from frigid to over heated in a matter of minutes. I suggest wearing layers — tank top, tee shirt, cardigan, scarf, etc. That way each family member can peel off, or add, a layer as they see fit and remain comfortable throughout the session.


  1. Location is a big deal.

You better believe I’m going to take advantage of the fresh, warm air and all those bud popping up from the ground and in the trees. If you have any favorite locations, let me know. I have a nice list on hand, myself.


  1. Play into the colors of the season when choosing your family’s outfits.

Fresh pops of green, blue, pink and yellow are always a hit in the springtime. I recommend choosing a color theme for the whole gang, then slightly deviating from that with accessories to keep things interesting. Keep an eye out for my “what to wear for spring photos” blog post.


  1. Speaking of accessories: wear them!

Choose jewelry, scarves, or prints that play into the spring theme. Butterflies, flowers, insects, etc, can make for some super adorable family pictures.


  1. Time it right.

Book a session too early and you may miss out on those spring buds. Book too late and you’ve already wandered into summer territory. Keep an eye on the weather and give me a call when the time is right. I will also be posting spring mini sessions on dates that make for the best images.


  1. Incorporate props.

Spring offers some beautiful backdrops where props blend in perfectly. For example, old wooden chairs look stunning in a sea of blooming rose bushes, a fresh bouquet of flowers to hold or have the boys had out to the girls is so adorable, and a quilted blanket is lovely on the fresh, green grass.


  1. Really think about your footwear.

Spring can often mean a soggy ground, so flip-flops or heels are not the best choice. Instead, wear something that’s comfortable and spring appropriate, like loafers, flats or boots.

Read the Post

February 9, 2019

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The best way to book a session or get in touch is by filling out the contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!

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CONtACT Ashley

Live in the moments

you'll never forget


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E: info@ashleyflugphotography.com
T: 651-315-6924